

Governors have a strategic role in the development of the school.

Overview of Governance


Tickford Park Primary School is part of the Grand Union Partnership Multi Academy Trust. Each school within the Trust has its own Local Academy Committee with a constitution of 10 Governors which includes two parent governors, one staff governor and the Headteacher.

Effective Governance at any level in a Multi Academy Trust should have a focus on:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

The Local Academy Committee has a strategic role to provide support and challenge to the operational management of the school by the Headteacher and represents the interests of the local community. 

Governors at Tickford Park meet twice a term and use these meetings to oversee and monitor school improvement and financial health and providing constructive challenge to school leaders. Governors visit the school regularly to monitor school improvement and the progress that the school is making and to gain assurance that the school is fulfilling its key statutory duties.

Since the school is part of the Grand Union Partnership Multi Academy Trust, governor responsibilities are delegated to them by the Trust Board. Please use the link below to see the Scheme of Delegation the trust adopts:

Grand Union Partnership Multi Academy Trust Governance

All Trustee and Governor roles are voluntary, and we are very grateful for the significant commitment that all of the people involved make at every level of governance across the trust.

If you would like to find out more about any of these roles, we would be delighted to talk with you, please contact Julie Stevens in the first instance.

Please click on the icon above for a list of our current Governors, term dates and responsibilities, the constitution.

Please click on the icon above for a register of Governors' attendance at meetings over the past 12 months.

Please click on the icon above to view the register of Governors' business interests.

Welcome from the Chair of Governors

A warm welcome to Tickford Park Primary School. We are really proud of our school and how we serve our community and beyond. We welcome you to come and visit to see just what Tickford Park can offer your child.

Throughout your child's time with us, TPPS's approach to not just delivering a well-planned and rounded curriculum, but also focussing on what we call the 'whole child', sees all of our children exposed to the many academic and non-academic activities that will prepare them, not just for the next stage of their educational journey, but for life.

Success comes on many levels, and the focus on the whole child means each of the children here at TPPS leave having achieved being the best they can be. 

The supportive, caring and hugely talented staff here at TPPS create an atmosphere that supports all children. An atmosphere that ensures the children are safe, and that the children enjoy their learning. All of this ensures your child can adopt a life-long love of learning. 

Key to our approach is the support of our community. This comes in many forms, not least our parents and carers; our PTA (the 'Friends of Tickford Park'); many local businesses; and soon to be our Academy Trust partner, the Grand Union Partnership. 

Together we deliver. 

Kind regards 

Stuart McDonald

Chair of Governors

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